Exploring Cuba’s Top 12 Birdwatching Destinations

Cuba’s Birdwatching Destinations

A Paradise for Bird Enthusiasts

Cuba, an island nation rich in biodiversity and natural wonders, is a paradise for birdwatchers. From colorful parrots and endemic species to migratory birds and elusive raptors, Cuba offers a diverse range of habitats and ecosystems that attract bird enthusiasts from around the world. If you’re eager to explore Cuba’s avian treasures, here are the top 12 birdwatching destinations that promise unforgettable sightings and memorable experiences:

Zapata Peninsula National Park

Located on the southern coast of Cuba, Zapata Peninsula National Park is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Ramsar site and a paradise for birdwatchers. Explore diverse habitats including mangroves, wetlands, and forests, home to endemic species such as the Zapata wren, Zapata Sparrow, Gundlach’s Hawk, Cuban trogon, Fernandina’s flicker, the Bee Hummingbird (the world’s smallest bird) and Cuban parrot. (IBA – Cienaga de Zapata) Important Bird Area

Mil Cumbres National Park and La Guira Park

Combining Mil Cumbres National Park and La Guira Park allows birdwatchers to experience a variety of habitats and bird species. Trek through the rugged terrain of Mil Cumbres to encounter the Cuban solitaire, Cuban nightjar, Fernandina’s Flicker,  Blue-headed Quail-Dove, and Cuban black hawk, then explore the trails of La Guira Park to spot species like the Cuban parakeet, Cuban tody, and Cuban pygmy-owl. (IBA – Mil Cumbres)

Sierra del Rosario

Nestled in western Cuba, the Sierra del Rosario Biosphere Reserve is home to diverse bird species amidst its lush forests and rolling hills. Las Terrazas and the waterfall at Soroa are prime birdwatching spots, where visitors can encounter species like the Cuban emerald, Cuban tody, Cuban trogon, Fernandina’s Flicker, Giant Kingbird  , and the striking Cuban bullfinch. (IBA – Sierra del Rosario)

Viñales Valley

Explore the scenic beauty of Viñales Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its dramatic karst landscapes and tobacco fields. Birdwatchers flock to this picturesque region to spot species like the Cuban Solitaire, Cuban Grassquit, Cuban Oriole, and Cuban Blackbird, as well as migratory birds attracted to the valley’s abundant food sources and diverse habitats.


Journey to the westernmost tip of Cuba to discover Guanahacabibes Peninsula, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve teeming with avian life. Explore lush forests, coastal cliffs, and pristine beaches in search of endemic species like the Bee Hummingbird, Cuban Green Woodpecker, Blue-headed Quail-Dove , Giant Kingbird , and Fernandina’s Flicker, as well as migratory birds passing through during winter months. (IBA – Guanahacabibes)

Topes de Collantes

Situated in the Escambray Mountains near Trinidad, Topes de Collantes Natural Park offers excellent birdwatching opportunities amidst its pristine forests and waterfalls. Look out for species such as the Cuban Tody, Cuban Pewee, Cuban Grassquit Cuban Trogon, Cuban Parakeet,  Cuban pygmy owl, Cuban Parrot, and Cuban Green Woodpecker as you explore the park’s network of trails and scenic viewpoints. (IBA – Topes de Collante)

Cayo Coco & Cayo Guillermo

Indulge in beachside birdwatching on idyllic islands, where pristine beaches meet vibrant wetlands. Witness flocks of flamingos wading in shallow lagoons and the graceful White Ibis foraging along mangrove shores. Explore the protected areas of El Bagá and El Pilar to encounter resident like the Cuban parrot, Cuba Green Woodpecker, Cuban Tody, and migratory species against a backdrop of turquoise waters and swaying palms. (IBA – Gran Humedal del Norte de Ciego de Ávila)

Sierra de Najasa

Located in the Camagüey province, Sierra de Najasa is a lesser-known but excellent birdwatching destination in Cuba. The Najasa Ecological Reserve is home to diverse bird species, as well as Cuban Parakeets, Cuban Pewee, Gundlach’s Hawk, Cuban Parrot, , and West Indian Woodpeckers. The Sierra del Chorrillo stands as its highest point. Explore the reserve’s trails and wetlands for sightings of these and other avian treasures. (IBA – Sierra del Chorrillo)

Alejandro de Humboldt National Park

Explore one of the most biologically diverse areas in Cuba at Alejandro de Humboldt National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, located in the eastern part of the island. Trek through lush rainforests and rugged mountains to encounter endemic species like the Cuban parakeet, Cuban Trogon, Cuban Tody, Cuban solitaire, and Cuban Oriole. (IBA – Alejandro de Humboldt)

Sierra Cristal National Park

Explore the pristine wilderness of Sierra Cristal National Park, located in the eastern province of Holguín. Trek through dense rainforests, rushing rivers, and mist-covered mountains as you search for endemic species such as the Cuban Parakeet, Cuban parrot, Cuban solitaire, Grey-Fronted Quail-Dove, Cuban Pygmy Owl, and Giant Kingbird. Keep your binoculars handy for glimpses of colorful trogons, woodpeckers, and warblers as they flit among the treetops. (IBA Pico Cristal)

Sierra Maestra:

Trek into the heart of the Sierra Maestra, Cuba’s highest mountain range and a haven for birdwatching enthusiasts. Explore montane forests, cloud-covered peaks, and pristine river valleys as you search for endemic species such as Oriente Warbler, Cuban trogon, Cuban Solitaire, Gundlach’s Hawk, Giant Kingbird, Cuban Green Woodpecker, and the Cuban Tody. Keep your eyes peeled for raptors such as the Cuban Hawk and the Gundlach’s Hawk soaring overhead. (IBA Turquino-Bayamesa)

Rio Máximo:

Located in Camagüey Province, is a critical wetland and Ramsar site. It is famous for hosting one of the largest colonies of Greater Flamingos in the Caribbean. Birdwatchers can also spot the Cuban Black Hawk, Cuban Grassquit , Cuban Vireo, Cuban oriole and West Indian Whistling Duck. (IBA – Río Máximo)

Tips for Birdwatchers:

  • Best Time to Visit: The ideal time for birdwatching in these areas is during the dry season, from November to April.
  • Guided Tours: Consider hiring a local guide. They can help you spot elusive species and share their extensive knowledge of the area.
  • Gear: Bring a good pair of binoculars, a field guide to Cuban birds, and a camera with a zoom lens to capture the vibrant birdlife.


With its diverse ecosystems and rich avian biodiversity, Cuba offers birdwatching enthusiasts an unparalleled opportunity to connect with nature and discover rare and endemic species. Whether you’re exploring the wetlands of Zapata Peninsula or trekking through the cloud forests of Topes de Collantes, Cuba’s top 12 birdwatching destinations promise an unforgettable adventure filled with discovery and wonder. So pack your binoculars, lace up your hiking boots, and get ready to embark on a birdwatching journey of a lifetime in the stunning landscapes of Cuba.

Other places of interest for bird watching in Cuba.

  • Isla de La Juventud: Ciénaga de Lanier (IBA – Ciénaga de Lanier y Sur de la Isla de la Juventud)
  • Cienfuegos: Laguna de Guanaroca y Jardín Botánico Soledad
  • Holguín: Gibara (IBA – Gibara)
  • Sancti Spíritus: Alturas de Banao (IBA – Alturas de Banao)
  • Granma: Delta del Cauto (IBA – Delta del Cauto) and Parque Nacional Desembarco del Granma (IBA – Desembarco del Granma).

Cuban Birds Table

English NameSpanish Common NameScientific NameBrief Description
Bare-Legged OwlSijú CotuntoMargarobyas lawrenciiSmall, nocturnal owl with featherless legs, found in forests and plantations.
Bee HummingbirdZunzuncitoMellisuga helenaeThe smallest bird in the world, found in the Zapata Swamp, known for its iridescent feathers.
Blue-Headed Quail-DovePaloma PerdizStarnoenas cyanocephalaRare dove with a distinctive blue head, primarily found in forests and wooded areas.
Cuban Black HawkGavilán BatistaButeogallus gundlachiiMedium-sized raptor endemic to Cuba, often seen in coastal areas and mangroves.
Cuban BlackbirdTotíDives atroviolaceusCommon blackbird with iridescent plumage, often found in gardens and forests.
Cuban BullfinchNegritoMelopyrrha nigraSmall finch with a strong, conical bill, known for its melodious song.
Cuban CrowCao MonteroCorvus nasicusLarge black bird with a distinctive nasal call, found in forests and near human settlements.
Cuban EmeraldZunzunChlorostilbon ricordiiSmall, bright green hummingbird, common in gardens and forests.
Cuban GnatcatcherSinsontilloPolioptila lembeyeiSmall, active bird with a long tail, typically found in dry forests and shrublands.
Cuban GrassquitTomeguín del PinarPhonipara canoraSmall, seed-eating bird with a distinctive black mask and yellow belly, often seen in grasslands and cultivated areas.
Cuban Green WoodpeckerCarpintero VerdeXiphidiopicus percussusMedium-sized woodpecker with bright green plumage, found in forests and wooded areas.
Cuban KiteGavilan CaguareroChondrohierax wilsoniiCritically endangered raptor, primarily found in the eastern mountainous regions of Cuba.
Cuban NightjarGuabairoAntrostomus cubanensisNocturnal bird with cryptic plumage, often found in forests and scrublands.
Cuban OrioleSolibioIcterus melanopsisBlack and yellow bird commonly found in forests, gardens, and urban areas.
Cuban Palm CrowCao PinaleroCorvus minutusSmall crow often found in palm groves and savannas.
Cuban ParakeetCateyPsittacara euopsGreen parakeet with a distinctive red forehead, found in forests and open areas.
Cuban ParrotCotorraAmazona leucocephalaMedium-sized parrot with green plumage and a white forehead, found in forests and woodlands.
Cuban PeweeBobito ChicoContopus caribaeusSmall flycatcher with a distinctive call, often seen in forests and gardens.
Cuban Pygmy OwlSijú PlataneroGlaucidium sijuSmall, diurnal owl, commonly found in forests and plantations.
Cuban SolitaireRuiseñorMyadestes elisabethMedium-sized bird known for its melodious song, typically found in mountainous forests.
Cuban TodyCartacubaTodus multicolorSmall, brightly colored bird with green, red, and white plumage, commonly found in forests and woodland areas.
Cuban TrogonTocororoPriotelus temnurusNational bird of Cuba with vibrant green, red, and white plumage, often found in forests.
Cuban VireoJuanchivi, Vireo Cubano, ChichinguaoVireo gundlachiiSmall, olive-green bird with a distinctive white eye-ring, found in forests and thickets.
Fernandina’s FlickerCarpintero ChurrosoColaptes fernandinaeRare Cuban woodpecker with striking yellow and black plumage, found in forests and savannas.
Giant KingbirdPitirre RealTyrannus cubensisLarge flycatcher with a robust build, typically found in open woodland and forest edges.
Grey-Fronted Quail-DoveCamao, AzulonaGeotrygon canicepsRare dove with a grey forehead and distinctive markings, found in forests and wooded areas.
Great Lizard CuckooArrieroCoccyzus merliniLarge cuckoo with a long tail, often seen in forests and woodlands hunting lizards and large insects.
Gundlach’s HawkGavilán ColilargoAccipiter gundlachiMedium-sized raptor endemic to Cuba, often found in forested areas.
La Sagra’s FlycatcherBobito GrandeMyiarchus sagraeMedium-sized flycatcher with a distinctive call, found in forests and gardens.
Olive-Capped WarblerBijirita del PinarSetophaga pityophilaSmall warbler with olive-green upperparts and a yellow throat, typically found in pine forests.
Oriente WarblerPecheroTeretistris fornsiSmall, active bird with bright yellow underparts, commonly found in forests and scrublands.
Red-Shouldered BlackbirdMayito de CiénagaAgelaius assimilisMedium-sized blackbird with striking red shoulder patches, found in wetlands and marshes.
Thick-Billed VireoVireo Picogrueso, Vireo de las BahamasVireo crassirostrisSmall vireo with a stout bill and distinctive markings, found in forests and thickets.
West Indian WoodpeckerCarpintero Jabado, Carpintero AntillanoMelanerpes superciliarisMedium-sized woodpecker with striking red, black, and white plumage, found in forests and gardens.
Western SpindalisCigua Cubana, CabreroSpindalis zenaSmall, colorful bird with striking plumage, commonly found in forests and gardens.
Yellow-Headed WarblerChillinaTeretistris fernandinaeSmall warbler with a bright yellow head and grey body, typically found in forests and scrublands.
Zapata RailGallinuela de Santo TomásCyanolimnas cerveraiExtremely rare and elusive bird, endemic to the Zapata Swamp, known for its distinctive call and habitat preferences.
Zapata SparrowCabrerito de la CienagaTorreornis inexpectataRare sparrow with a distinctive grey and brown plumage, found in the Zapata Swamp.
Zapata WrenFerminiaFerminia cerveraiSmall, rare wren endemic to the Zapata Swamp, known for its distinctive song and habitat.

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