
Plaza Mayor -Trinidad

Trinidad is probably the most picturesque town in the country. Located in the central part of the island has a lot of popularity among tourist. The colonial architecture expressed in its homes, streets and squares shows to the visitors a city frozen in time. Walking and exploring the town is practically like a travel in a time machine.

The city was founded in 1514 by the conquistador Diego Velazquez, as La Villa de La Santísima Trinidad on Cuba’s south coast. It was the third settlement in the island after Baracoa and Bayamo and nestled in the lee of the Sierra del Escambray.  Its uniqueness was recognized early, even before the Cuban revolution in the middle of the 50th during the time of Fulgencio Batista presidency when Trinidad was declared National Monument and any unauthorized new construction was forbidden. This policy was reinforced years after when the city was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988.

During 17th and 18th centuries the city and the nearby Valle de Los Ingenios was a slave trading center and important hub of sugar production. The landowners built fine homes and mansions as result of their prosperity..

Later with the revolution, the city was carefully restored and the historic center preserved according to its original design, great care was taken with new constructions. Therefore, the town maintains its original structure practically without changes. With cobblestone streets and colorful houses with colonial style give the impression of living in some other time

This is a touristic town for excellence where foreign and locals can mix and with a lot of private houses for rent the intercultural interaction is a must. Trinidadians are friendly and hospitality people, so this is one of the destinations where to stay in a private house instead of a hotel can be a great experience. 

The heart of Trinidad is Plaza Mayor, is a palm shaded square surrounded by a cathedral and some mansions now become in museums and art galleries, interesting places worth to see, we recommend to take a time to visit. This is the historic heart of the old Trinidad, but there is also another spot more to the south –central part of the city where many tourist prefer to set their base, it is around Parque Cespedes, close to hotels and some restaurants. It takes about 20 minutes walking to get from one spot to the other. 

Plaza Mayor -Trinidad

Exploring the Historic Center of Trinidad

My favorite place is The Palacio Brunet, this is a mansion actually the Romantic Museum, display a nice collection of furniture and some items belonged to the local families.  It was built in 1812 as residence of the Borrell family, and most of the objects exhibited belonged to this family. It represents the life styles of affluent Trinidadians in the 19th century when the sugar still has a prominent role in the economy. With 14 rooms, marble floor, coffered ceiling, Neo classical decoration, furniture made of precious wood and Bohemian crystal ware is definitely a nice place to see.

Palacio Cantero now named Museo Histórico. This mansion belonged to Borrell family back on 1827. The property passed after 1830 to a German planter named Cantero. He acquired the mansion by poisoning an old slave trader and marrying with his widow.   This museum exhibits a fountain that once spotted eau de cologne, according with the story tell of the town. The view from the tower is beautiful.

If you allow me a recommendation, do not explore these museums by yourself, ask always a guide, it really worth to ear all the story behind the objects, an excellent opportunity to travel in the time in a safe and cheap way.

The Iglesia Parroquial de la Santísima Trinidad. The Church of the Holy Trinity was built in 1892 on the side of the original parish, the baroque front is magnificent, inside there is a venerate statue Christ of the true cross and there is also an altar with gothic style.

On the southeastside of Plaza Mayor there is the Museo de la Arquitectura Colonial, display examples of different styles of local architecture over the last two centuries.

There is also the Museo de Arqueologia Guamuhaya, feaures a mix of natural history and pre – Columbian Indian artefacts.

Casa de Aldeman Ortiz before Palacio Ortiz now became in an Art Gallery, there you will find a pieces of local art as painting, embroidery and pottery and jewelry.

Farther to the North there is the Iglesia y Convento de San Francisco. The ancient convent is now a museum that recount the fight against counter revolutionaries, in Spanish, Museo Nacional de la lucha contra Bandidos. The display are mostly photos, weapons and some objects related to the struggle. As well as Palacio Cantero it has a tower, from there you can have an excellent view of the historic center and the mountains. If you go in the afternoon and in accordance with the season, you will enjoy a wonderful sunset.

If you are more a night person and the museums are not really your thing, Trinidad has options for all kind of person,

La Casa de la Trova. Located in Plaza Segarte is a mansion funded in 1977 and adorned with murals. Traditional music is played with good acceptance among the tourists.

La Canchanchara is the name of a cocktail and also named a nice Taberna where you can obviously, enjoy the local cocktail made from rum, honey, lemon and water. Local musicians frequent this place so you can enjoy live music.

Casa de la Musica, great choice for your nights out, with salsa music and a lot of people who gathered there to dance.

There is also Disco Ayala, a hillside cave near Ermita de Nuestra Señora de Candelaria converted into a nightclub with flashing lights and salsa disco.

Where to eat is not a problem in Trinidad, there are a lot of restaurants and coffee shops some of them with a good relation quality – price and great environment like San Jose restaurant with great acceptance among tourists and locals.

Trinidad is well known in Cuba for the quality and quantity of the artwork and local souvenirs on sale. You can find it at galleries or lining the streets at some craft markets when locals sell many different handmade items. Good option to get a souvenir or a travel remembering back home.

Museo Romántico - Trinidad
Iglesia Parroquial de la Santísima Trinidad
Manaca Iznaga - Trinidad

What about the excursions?

A must is undoubtedly to spend one day in Playa Ancon. This is a wonderful and immaculate beach with turquoise water at just 10 – 12 km from the town of Trinidad. There are some hotels too. You can get there using the tourist bus with departure at some specific times from some spots in the town, or just hiring a taxi or a bike. You can ask to your hosts about the squedule and updated prices.

Another popular excursions in town is to Valle de Los ingenios and Manaca Iznaga tower.  The ruins of 19th century ingenious (sugar mills), including ware houses, machinery, slave quarters and other remains are the attraction here. The landscape and vegetation with royal palms is beautiful. The valley’s main sight is the hacienda Manaca Iznaga, founded in 1750 and purchased later by Pedro Iznaga one of the wealthiest men in Cuba, obtain his fortune by trafficking slaves. Next to the hacienda there a is 44 meter high tower used to watch the slaves and the bell in front of the house served to call them.  You can climb to the tower for pretty views and take some photos.  In front of the tower, normally you can find a line of locals selling their hand made pieces. You can also enjoy a lunch in the restaurant / bar in Iznaga’s former house.

You can also organize a trip to Topes de Collantes, the largest settlement in Sierra del Escambray. It is a health resort town located at 20km from Trinidad.  In the way to there you will enjoy a really great views at El Mirador – a snack bar. The climate and of course the vegetation change while you climb the mountain, (but don’t worry, you can do it by car) coniferous forests, lichens, vines, and giants ferns flourish in the cool and foggy weather.  There are three hotels in Tope de Collantes where you can set base and get information about activities, maps and guides.

One popular hike with easy access on foot is to Salto de Caburní cascading over into swimming holes. Be sure to avoid the dry season or you may be disappointed. If you love the nature and enjoy seeing the plants other beautiful place to visit is Parque La Represa, below the Hotel Los Helechos. This park about 300 species of trees and ferns including the Caoba, the largest tree in Cuba with precious wood.

As you can see Trinidad contains variety of attractions in one single destination. Nature, beach, history, culture, music. Remember this is a just a selection of some places but there is much more still waiting for you. Don’t miss it, it really worth it.

Houses in Trinidad.
Book your accommodation at great prices.

Hostal Buri y Nesti – Room 1

  • Guests: 4

Prices start at: 45 per night

Hostal Buri y Nesti – Room 2

  • Guests: 4

Prices start at: 45 per night

Hostal Buri y Nesti – Room 3

  • Guests: 2

Prices start at: 45 per night

Hostal Buri y Nesti – Room 4

  • Guests: 2

Prices start at: 45 per night

Casa Segarte 1

  • Guests: 2

Prices start at: 35 per night

Casa Segarte 2

  • Guests: 2

Prices start at: 35 per night

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